The vortex – what is it, how do we know when we are in the vortex, how do we stay in it. Andrew DiPalma visited with us through Skype. Andrew provided examples of how he lives the principles of Abraham to stay in the vortex. He realizes that he learns something from everyone he knows. When he meets someone he asks himself what lesson he can learn from that person.
The group defined the vortex in a number of ways. It is being happy. It is acceptance of where we are. It has our greatest good in mind, so we should let go of resistance, manifest where we want to be, accept where we are, and know it will come, just not always the way we expect. Simply put, we know we are in the vortex when we are happy and appreciate what we have.
Abraham explains the vortex this way. We don't need money to get in the vortex. Getting in the vortex is a conversational thing. We don't have to pay to get in the vortex. It doesn't cost anything to be hopeful. It doesn't cost anything to tell a positive story. It doesn't cost anything to dream the dream or tell the story. If we tell the story often enough we will come to believe it. And when we believe the story, we are in the vortex and the Universe has to give it to us.
We discussed strategies for getting back into the vortex. Doing something we love, like a hobby, can help. When it is our fault that we are out of the vortex we should accept responsibility for our actions and then let it go. Remember all experiences make us who we are; so we should think about whom we want to be, how we want to be remembered, and act accordingly as we return to the vortex. . If needed, seek comfort from a close personal friend. When dealing with loss, move yourself quickly through the stages of grief.
We listened to a segment from Ester Hicks on You Tube. We closed with an exercise of writing how we feel when in the vortex. We wrote our dreams and manifestations as if we already had everything we desired. It turned out to be a great exercise to put us in the vortex.
Abraham's Recipe for Joy:
Seek joy first and foremost
Seek reasons to laugh
Seek reasons to offer words of praise to self and others
Seek beauty in nature, beasts and other humans
Seek reasons to love in every segment of every day
Look for something that brings forth within you a feeling of love
Seek that which uplifts you
Seek opportunity to offer that which uplifts another
Know that your value can only be measured in terms of joy
And, acknowledge your absolute freedom to do any of these things or not do any of these things, for it is without exception your choice in every moment of every day.
Next meeting is Monday, July 26, 2010 at 7 PM