Our opening meditation was “The Enchanted Forrest” by Denise Iwaniw, from her CD "Meditations from the Temple Within".
Our Skype guest was Candia Sanders, a medical intuitive and energetic healer in Vancouver, Washington. Her website is www.candiasanders.com. Her talents help clients identify and clear emotional, mental and physical blockages allowing them to move forward toward their life purpose. Candia is a frequent guest on radio shows which are available for download through her website. She is available for private consultations and conducts group workshops listed in the calendar section of her website.
Candia recommends we determine our life purpose which she describes as “what turns you on”. From your life purpose, develop “Your Story” and be the creator of your own world. It is extremely important to stay centered, always doing only those things that belong in your story. A tool for staying centered is to visualize yourself encircled by white light connected to Source so that the behavior of others is unable to penetrate. Use your intuition and listen to your heart to stay grounded within the circle of light as you proceed on the path to your life purpose.
The subject of tonight’s meeting was “Determining Your Life Purpose”. The idea for this meeting, and much of the material was generously provided by Barb VerCande of www.createanewstory.com.
Abraham says “The basis of life is absolute freedom. The objective of life is absolute joy. The result of life is absolute growth.” “What is the purpose of life? It is joy”.
Abraham says “The basis of life is absolute freedom. The objective of life is absolute joy. The result of life is absolute growth.” “What is the purpose of life? It is joy”.
Simply stated, life purpose is the sum of our goals in life that make us happy just trying to achieve them. To find our purpose, consider:
What thrills you more than anything?
What gives sense to your life?
What do you enjoy and look forward to each day, even if alone?
What comes naturally to you, feels more like play than work?
Does it flow from within and energize you?
What is worth living for?
What is worth dying for?
Is your purpose in alignment with your source?
What do you want your gravestone to say?
Members of the group shared their goals in life. We discussed methods used to stay on course and what we are doing on a daily basis to move toward our life purpose. Are your daily rituals and habits aligned with your purpose?
We reviewed the “Purpose of Life Exercise” from Jack Canfield’s book “How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be.
Step 1 – List two of your unique personal qualities, such as enthusiasm and creativity.
Step 2 – List one or two ways you enjoy expressing those qualities when interacting with others, such as to support and to inspire.
Step 3 – Assume the world is perfect right now. Write in a statement, in the present tense, what it looks and feels like, and how everyone is interacting with everyone else. Describe the ultimate condition, a fun place to be, as you see it and feel it.
Step 4 – Combine the three prior steps into a single statement, as in “my purpose is to use my (step 1) to (step 2) others to (step 3).
“Successful people take the time to discover what it is they’re here to do and then they pursue that with passion and enthusiasm.” – Jack Canfield
“Leaving a legacy is like planting a tree. As that seed grows into a tree, it will provide seeds, so that future generations can then plant their own”. – Jim Rohn
“Do small things with great love.” -- Mother Teresa
Next Meeting is our holiday potluck on Sunday, December 12 at 3 PM. Please let Ramona know what you plan to bring.
Mike and Ramona will be continuing the meet-ups through the winter. Tentative dates are January 24, February 28, and March 28. Anyone interested and available to provide rides to/from the airport would be very much appreciated. Also, if you are able to provide “treats” for those three meet-ups, your help would be appreciated.
The closing video from Abraham can be found at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxU860l-_-A