We listened to a recording from Eddie Conner eddieconner.com. Eddie took the group through a wonderful guided meditation that cleansed our chakras and set the stage for the meeting.
Our Skype guest was Kala Ambrose. ExploreYourSpirit.com Kala is an author, intuitive, wisdom teacher, radio show hostess and recently debuted Explore Your Spirit TV. Her presentation centered around the Ancient Wisdom of Egypt and Greece, Auras, and Chakras and Energy Fields. She specifically spoke about the Egyptian Mystery Temple: As it is expressed from above, it is received so below. So it is written, so shall it be.
Kala’s book 9 Life Altering Lessons: Secrets of the Mystery Schools Unveiled delves into teachings from the ancient temples of Egypt and Greece and is available through her website. We've placed a link to her website on the right side of this blog for your convenience. Her new book The Awakened Aura: Experiencing the Evolution of Your Energy Body will be released later this year .
Kala offered our group a free mp3 download of her guided meditation entitled “Spirit of Hawaii”. Just sign up for her newsletter by entering your email address in the box on her website exploreyourspirit.com. While on her website, be sure to check out her radio show and review downloads of prior guests from her 300 + shows. Her guests include Bernie Siegel, Don Miguel Ruiz, James Redfield, Dr. John Gray, Gary Zukav, Lisa Williams, and a whole lot more.
The topic for discussion was “Getting Past Stuckness” which is the first step to getting into the Vortex. We watched two videos:
There was lively discussion about being stuck out of the Vortex and how to get back in. When we feel we are stuck it's because we continue to think the same negative thoughts. If we keep thinking negative thoughts, we cannot be in the Vortex. By thinking the same thoughts over and over, those thoughts become our beliefs. Once a negative thought becomes a belief, it is harder to break the habit of thought and reenter the Vortex.
If we want to get back into the Vortex, we must think different, positive thoughts. And that simply requires finding unfamiliar ways of approaching familiar subjects.
Chris Reynolds shared with the group the TFT stress reduction meridian tapping technique. For more information check out TFT or EFT on the internet.
We closed with the following quote from Abraham:
You are just a few laughs away from letting a whole lot of good stuff in.
You are just a few kisses away from letting a whole lot of good stuff in.
You are just a little bit of relief away from letting a whole lot of good stuff in.
Next meeting is Monday, March 28.