Ramona began the meeting by introducing Eddie Conner via Skype.
Eddie Conner (www.eddieconner.com) took the group through a wonderful guided meditation that set the stage for the meeting. His meditation focused on health and well being, the purpose of tonight’s meeting.
Tricia Gosling made a presentation on detoxification and quantum biofeedback. Detoxification is the key to good health, and parasites are the number one deterrent to proper balance.
The following four links contain valuable information:
Chris Reynolds presented correcting psychological reversals using a technique known as tapping, and on Dr. Morter’s B.E.S.T. method of re-balancing the left and right brain using muscle testing. There are two files available on the meet up site explaining tapping. You must sign in to the meet up site, click on “more”, then “files”, then look for the two documents with the initials “tft”. Click on them to open and print.
Becca announced a monthly raw food event in Grand Rapids called Rawluck, usually held the 3rd Friday of each month. The cost of admission is a raw, plant-based dish to share. For more information contact Becca at beccabochenek@gmail.com or the organizer, Margaux Drake at margaux@mdrake.com
Anyone interested in attending the Eddie Conner seminars on July 28 and July 30 should contact Ramona through Ramona4eddie@gmail.com.
Next meeting is August 23.