Eddie Conner provided an inspiring meditation setting the tone for a great meeting on the Emotional Guidance System. Anyone wishing to receive Eddie's free newsletter, sign up on Eddie's Website in the lower right hand corner.
Ramona played a track from the CD version of “Ask and it is Given” by Esther and Jerry Hicks. We also viewed a you tube video of Jerry Hicks explaining "Process 22 - Moving Up the Emotional Scale."
The group reviewed the scale of emotions as proposed by Abraham, from best to worst, as follows:
1. Joy/Knowledge/Empowerment/Freedom/Love/Appreciation
2. Passion
3. Enthusiasm/Eagerness/Happiness
4. Positive Expectation/Belief
5. Optimism
6. Hopefulness
7. Contentment
8. Boredom
9. Pessimism
10. Frustration/Irritation/Impatience
11. Overwhelment
12. Disappointment
13. Doubt
14. Worry
15. Blame
16. Discouragement
17. Anger
18. Revenge
19. Hatred/Rage
20. Jealousy
21. Insecurity/Guilt/Unworthiness
22. Fear/Grief/Depression/Despair/Powerlessness
For more information, see Chapter 22 of “Ask and it is Given.”
The group did some exercises as examples of how to move up the scale when we find ourselves in a place we’d rather not be. The first example was at a funeral where we might feel despair. We can move up the scale by becoming angry, worrying about the family of the deceased, be disappointed that the person is no longer around, overwhelmed with all that needs to be done, pessimistic about our unknown future, boredom during the service, up to appreciating the life of the deceased.
Another example was someone who must move away from home. The first feeling is being overwhelmed with all that has to be done, irritated with having so much stuff, contentment with having less stuff after the move, feeling good that the excess stuff can be given to charity and appreciated by someone else, and positive expectations about the future.
A third example was doubt and worry about a job search, disappointed with the indecision of which job to apply for, making a decision to take the first job offered so that we are employed (which is a better position to be in when looking for the right job) to hopefulness and contentment that we will find the right job.
Our next event will be the BEST workshop on the weekend of September 23-24. One spot remains open. The cost is $100 for the all day session with Cheryl Wood who is a Master B.E.S.T. practitioner. For more information see the Meet Up Website or call us.
Our next Meet Up will be Tuesday, September 20.