Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Abraham's Time Management 101

Ramona opened the meeting with updates, reading emails from Jay Nielsen and Natalie Pink, and received personal updates from Jeanne, Ella, Becca and Barb on their personal achievements.

Barb Vercande is presenting a workshop entitled “The Passion Test”. The details are shown in the following blog and registration information is available on her website.

Jeanne updated the group on an exciting joint venture she is involved with between GVSU and Mary Free Bed Hospital The joint venture is offering free medical attention to service men and women who have sustained a brain injury while in service to our country. The JV is funded in part by the DOD.

Eddie Conner provided another on-point meditation via Skype. His meditation included the following expressions developed from the acronym “TIME”:
            1) TIME = Thought I'm Managing Easily
2) TIME = Things I'm Miraculously Elevating
3) TIME = Things I'm Magically Erasing
4) TIME = Time is Magnificent Energy
5) TIME = Thinking Illuminated Miracles Every Day

Mike will be updating the “Pure Positive Providers” list.  It is intended to include active members and the services they provide. Knowing your provider and that they are into the law of attraction should be an excellent first step. To review the current “Pure Positive Providers” list, go to our meet up site  and place the mouse over “More”, then click on “Files”, and then click on “Pure Positive Providers”. Please email Mike at mmucciolo@charter.net with corrections, deletions or additions to your listing by Tuesday, November 1.

We discussed some traditional time management techniques, such as a “to do” list, priority list, Google calendar, PDA lists, and making a list at night just before going to bed.

Ramona presented a mock “To Do” list. Comments included feelings of being overwhelmed, frazzled, energy not flowing evenly, judgment being impaired, even adrenal fatigue.

Abraham says we do not need more time. We need less resistance.

Lists can be micromanaging, exhibit our need for control, and can create pressure to get the job done. We should remember we are human beings, not human doings. An example was given to view others who seem to have all the time they need as “actors” who are playing that part to aggravate you. Just think of them as actors, not reality.

Abraham says we need to manage our energy. Here are some thoughts.

Our power is in the now. We cannot do anything about the past or the future, and time management is attempting to manage the future. Concentrate on the now.

To do lists can make us feel guilty. We need to relax when we need it.

We can change our expectations. For example, someone who used to go out looking for new business now sits back and expects it to come, by using the law of attraction.

Do not split energies. Before we start a task we should line up with it energetically and picture the task going the way we want it to go.

Abraham has a process for time management they call “The Placemat Process”.  For more information see Jerry’s descriptive video. .  Or to hear Esther explain it to someone in the hot seat, view this video

Ramona read a line from a famous poem by David Wagoner:
What do you do when you’re lost in the forest?
Stand Still.
The trees ahead, the bushes beside you are not lost.  Wherever you are is called here.

The point of it is when you’re overwhelmed and lost, stand still.  Abraham recommends stopping, back up to a place where you feel good, then start over from that good feeling place.

Abraham says: Reduce your workload by 30% and increase your fun load by 30% and you will increase your revenues by 100%. And, you will increase your productivity by 10,000%. More fun, less struggle – more results on all fronts.”

Ways to change our vibrational energy:
·         The tapping technique (see our website “More”, “Files”, “tft_algorithm” and “tft_stress”).
·         When things are not going the way you picture them, say “cancel, cancel” and follow it with a positive affirmation.
·         Laugh out loud.
·         Say “Thank you”

Our closing video was Chill Your Way into the Vortex

Oprah’s talking, are you listening?

Oprah’s talking, are you listening?

How would your life be different if you felt completely in charge?
What if you woke up every day excited and turned on by your life?
Are you clear about what your purpose is?

From the pages of “The Passion Test”, and as mentioned in the November issue of “O Magazine”:

Saturday, November 12, 2011
9:00 a.m. to Noon
C3 Exchange
208 Franklin, Grand Haven
(public parking across the street)

In this workshop you will discover:
ü Clarity around what is most important to you
ü A simple formula to create anything you want in your life
ü How what you believe you create
ü The secret sauce that will guarantee you’ll live a passionate life
ü And much more!

Register today for this fun and interactive workshop
and discover YOUR life purpose!

To register call: (616) 502-3141 or at
Fee: $35 per person

Bring a friend for an additional $15 when you register together.

(Due to limited seating pre-registration is required.)

Presented by: Barb VerCande, Certified Passion Test Facilitator