Sunday, December 9, 2012

December Meeting and Pot Luck

Ramona opened the meeting by introducing Eddie Conner via Skype. Eddie provided a guided meditation helping us open our hearts and minds to appreciate what we have and what we want so that we can make 2013 our best year ever.

Chris Reynolds handed out a chart that he and Cheryl Wood have developed. It is a system designed to discover the blockages people might have that keep them from achieving what they want out of life.

The group viewed an Abraham video entitled “Is 2012 thetime of Awakening?”, followed by a mastermind Q and A. 

Ramona asked members to share what they were going to do different to make 2013 their best year ever. The general theme was to appreciate what we have more.

At the close, Ramona led the group in a “repeat after me” meditation which follows:

How are you feeling right now?  Great?  Then let’s ask the Universe for more of this for the coming year. Repeat the following:

Universe, bring me more of this please, in surprising ways I can’t even wrap my head around. Bring it to me in ways that make me laugh so hard my stomach and face hurt; in ways that activate my soul esteem; in ways that activate my soul confidence.  Put me at the right place at the right time with the right people, places and situations that give me back 190% of love. All this just for the Joy of it!!!

What this meditation did was send up rockets of desire as a collective consciousness. It’s going to be a GREAT 2013!

A scroll was given to each participant with Abraham’s “Just Say Yes” on it.  Here it is.

When you say “YES” to something, you include something you do want into your experience. When you say “NO” to something, you include something you do not want into your experience.  Just say “YES”.

Say “Yes!” to abundance.
Say “Yes!” to well-being.
Say “Yes!” to joy.
Say “Yes!” to love.
Say “Yes!” to happiness.
Say “Yes!” to inspiration.
Say “Yes!” to solutions.
Say “Yes!” to relief.
Say “Yes!” to answers.
Say “Yes!” to miracles.
Say “Yes!” to magic.
Say “Yes!” to allowing.
Say “Yes!” to the flow.
Say “Yes!” to it is done.
Say “Yes!” to believing.
Say “Yes!” to the now.
Say “Yes!” to wonderment.
Say “Yes!” to adventure.
Say “Yes!” to the unfolding.
Say “Yes!” to the journey.
Say “Yes!” to life.

We wish you all a wonderful holiday season and a fabulous New Year.  2013 will be our BEST YEAR EVER.  See you in the spring.