Ramona welcomed the group and introduced EDDIE CONNER who provided another
outstanding guided meditation “Be Kind to Yourself”, otherwise known as “Treehouse”. Be sure to check out Eddie’s website for
information on his Spiritual Peru Trip. Deadlines are fast approaching.
After group sharing of our “new stories” the opening video
was shown – “The Essence of Step 5”.
Ramona reviewed Abraham’s first 4 steps and the new step 5,
as follows:
1. ASK – Contrast causes asking.
Do you ever
experience contrast? Source provides us
contrast to cause us to send rockets of desire so we can create bigger, better
and brighter physical manifestations.
2. ALLOW – Source answers by vibrationally
assembling everything necessary.
manifest by “going general”. It makes us feel more pure positive energy and
provides the Universe with all that is necessary to prepare your manifestation
to materialize.
3. BE AWARE OF EMOTIONS - You find yourself
in a vibrational match to what the Vortex has waiting for you. Always in the direction of alignment.
When we feel
bliss we are in the flow of the Universe’s abundance. Desperation puts up roadblocks; worrying
creates blocks and activates more contrast.
When we vibrate lack we attract lack; when we vibrate joy we attract
joy. Becoming aware of what you say to
yourself about yourself, and changing it into positive words can shift us to a
higher vibration. The same words said in
different ways can carry different vibrations.
consistently acknowledging the condition hasn’t changed but your alignment
has. It is a matter of having practiced
it until you’re consistently there.
yourself with Source for the sake of aligning, not to make something
happen. Do not become ruffled by what
others are living – do an Abe process to soothe yourself about that issue. Be happy where you are – use an Abe process
if needed. Just be satisfied with what
is. If not familiar with Abe’s
processes, a good book to explain them is “Ask and it is Given” by Esther and
Jerry Hicks.
5. ACCEPT CONTRAST - This is the most
fun. Step 5 is WELCOMING CONTRAST. You
no longer need to beat yourself up for feeling contrast. You are sure of where you are and you’re in
love with this world of variety. When a
contrasting thing happens, you are able to acknowledge its value. We are inspired by Source.
As humans we can choose “from
spirit” to enjoy contrast and use it to get back into the vortex. Condition your core essence to BELIEVE you
can have what your heart desires. Make
clear, pure decisions that feel peaceful in your solar plexus to get back into the
receiving mode. Make sure your intention
does not carry any attachment – that will make you feel better and put you back
in the flow.
The closing video was “PetHorse Becomes Racing Champion”.
Our next meeting will be our
annual Holiday Pot Luck on December 13.
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