Tuesday, April 26, 2016


Ramona welcomed the group and introduced new members. 

EddieConner provided another inspiring meditation.  

The opening video was Abraham-Hicks “Tune to your Sweet Spot”.  

Questions to contemplate---

Do you believe your beliefs are serving you properly?

Do you find yourself easily appreciating people and experiences?

Do you find yourself looking for positive aspects of whatever comes your way?  If “yes” then you have no work other than to be aware of when you aren’t, and cut it out.

Do you ever get down with negative emotions and not even notice?

Then ask yourself “Why am I willing to put up with this negative emotion?

The Law of Attraction is all about our thoughts.  It works for love and relationships the same as it works for other areas of our lives.  Whatever we have been thinking about our relationships is evidenced by what we are experiencing in our relationships right now.

Abraham emphasizes that we should wait to find that sweet spot.  The sweet spot is fun.  It’s about receptivity of feeling good for the joy of it.  We must visualize what we want, bask in what we want, before we get it.  Find the sweet spot in the emotion of it, not in the condition itself.  

Example: think of your dream vacation before you go.  The anticipation of your dreams is the sweet spot.  You don’t have to be living it for it to be sweet.  The receptive mode is the sweet spot.  Whether it be a vacation, a career move, or a love relationship, you can get there beforehand just by being in the receptive mode.  It requires no work.  Don’t write the script – receive it!  Allow it to happen.

Quote from Abraham “You are the vibrational writers of the script of your life and everyone else in the Universe is playing the part that you have assigned them.”

We develop patterns in our lives – some good; some bad.  When we discover a bad pattern we must change it by shifting to a higher consciousness using pattern disruption.  When you notice a negative pattern, say “I am disrupting this frequency of hardship, of struggle, of ….”

We sponsored Ina Lukas and the Alchemists at our California meetup.  They suggest a tool they call “Pattern Disrupt”.  We develop patterns (e.g. “this is hard for me”, “this is going to be a struggle”).  When we notice ourselves expecting a negative result based on past experiences (patterns), we need a pattern disrupt.  Say “I am disrupting this frequency of hardship and struggle” so we can break these unwanted patterns.

Our tendency is to see the negative in others.  Instead, see, feel and visualize their positive aspects. We must do the same with ourselves.  See yourself in your new life, in your new home, in your new experience.  This exercise creates great sweet spot manifestations.  Seeing and hearing others through love does the same.

Quote from Abraham “We cannot focus upon the weaknesses of one another and evoke strengths.  We cannot focus on things we think they are doing wrong and evoke things that will make us feel better.  We’ve got to beat the drum that makes us feel good when we beat it.  When we do, we’ll be a strong signal of influence that will help them reconnect with who they are.”

Quote from Deepak Chopra “However good or bad you feel about your relationships, the person you are with at this moment is the right person because he or she is the mirror of who you are inside.”  And he reminds us that everyone we meet is a spiritual guide.

Meditation from Dr. Wayne Dyer Here is the link to Wayne Dyer’s YouTube video “AH MEDITATION.  

Mastermind Question:  A member’s husband has been out of work for several months.  How can I use the Law of Attraction to help him find work and relieve the stress in both our lives?
Find your alignment first thing in the morning by meditating, deep breathing, or anything that starts your day with positive momentum.
Let go of old patterns.  Look for something sweet about the current situation.
Be introspective. List your own personal attributes.
Don’t let history get in the way.  Ignore it.
Don’t focus on how your husband is feeling; focus on making your lives better by improving your feelings.
Visualize him in the job that makes him come alive.
Bask in the thought of him working in that perfect job.
Tell yourself the new story over and over.

Quote from Abraham “Focus on the best you can in others.  When characteristics you want are missing, practice seeing them anyway.  When you think the thoughts you desire, they will show up in your experience.”

Ina Lukas and the Alchemists remind us to breathe into our bodies.  Feel the ecstasy of who we are.  We have access to Source 24/7.  When we have questions, doubts, or are beating ourselves up, stop and breathe and experience Source energy coming into our bodies and filling us with love.  Be kinder, more gentle, and softer with ourselves.

Dates for some of our future meetings will be May 23, June 20, July 25, at 7PM.  We are also in the preplanning stages of a special event featuring Ina Lukas and the Alchemists.  You won’t want to miss any of these events.

Eddie Conner will be here July 10 through 21 conducting workshops and providing private readings.  If you definitely want a reading (one-hour reading is $250) contact Ramona now to get on the list.  Exact dates and times will be determined later.