Monday, May 23, 2016


Ramona opened the meeting with introductions.  Eddie Conner led us in a guided meditation.  Thank you Eddie for great meditations.

We viewed a video of Ina and the Alchemists and announced we will be hosting a workshop with Ina via Skype (or similar) at 3 PM on Sunday, June 12.  For more information and to sign up go to our Lakeshore LOA Meetup Page.  

We viewed a video from an Abraham Cancun land cruise.  (Since it is a DVD it is not possible to supply a link.)

The opening video was “Abraham-Hicks 68 Seconds of Pure Thought."

Thoughts become beliefs – A belief is only a thought we keep thinking.  We believe that what we think is true.  Source explains, however, the reason we believe our thought is true is only because we have practiced that thought. An example is “I never have enough time.” Using affirmations can shift us from our old beliefs to create better circumstances.  As we think thoughts that feel good to us, we will vibrate that point of attraction.  What we are thinking and what is coming back to us is always a vibrational match.

The good news is if we are not thinking a negative thought, our vibration will automatically rise to its natural positive place.  Negative thoughts and emotions always mean the same thing – our thought or behavior is moving in opposition to who we really are and what we really want. Source always see us as 100% perfect; healed, whole and healthy.  So all we really need to do is avoid negative thought.

When we look at something we don’t want, we activate it and the Law of Attraction brings us more like it.  So the only way to deactivate that thought is by activating a new one.  Our choice of action may be limited, but our choice of thought is not. When we change our thought, our reality follows suit.  When things are going well for us, we should focus on the continuation of our well being.  If there are things happening that are not pleasing, we must find a way of taking our attention away from those unwanted things.

A mastermind discussion followed.

The closing video was Abraham-Hicks: Let People Be Who They Are.  

Future Events:

Ina and the Alchemists – June 12

Next Regular Meeting – June 20

Eddie Conner Workshops –
July 14 - in the evening
July 16 - All Day