Monday, July 25, 2016


Ramona welcomed the group and introduced first time attendees.

Eddie Conner ( led the group in a guided meditation.  Thank you Eddie for your fabulous meditation.

Members shared their “wins” since the last meeting.

Here is an example of what outdated or limiting beliefs can do.  During the Medieval period 15th through 17th centuries, a weird psychiatric disorder swept through Europe where many people believed they were made of glass and were likely to shatter into pieces with even the slightest contact. People went to great lengths to change their lifestyles so as not to shatter.  We may think that was stupid, yet to them it was real.

Are you carrying beliefs that are self-limiting, maybe even false?  Are these beliefs preventing you from living the life you deserve?  --A great life?

Consider these seemingly benign statements that perhaps we say on a daily basis.  “I can’t tell the truth because I may be judged.”  “I can’t get close to this person for fear my heart may get broken.”  “I don’t dare want for something I may not get for fear of rejection.”  “I can’t pursue my dreams because I don’t know what I’d do if I fail.”

The only difference between us and our medieval ancestors is that their belief was centered around physical contact while our beliefs are centered around our emotions, relationships and dreams.

To see what Abraham says about changing old beliefs and belief systems, we watched a you tube video “An Easy Way to Change Old Beliefs” by Abraham-Hicks.  

Ramona asked the group to fill out a form that lists the personal beliefs that are limiting and may no longer serve us, followed by a mastermind discussion for several volunteers.  Each volunteer was asked where they felt they were on the Abraham-Hicks Emotional Scale (for more information see page 114 of “Ask and it is Given” by Esther and Jerry Hicks).  

Our first hot-seat participant is bordering between 17 (Anger) and 16 (Discouragement).  She and her business partner are having issues finding the right person to consistently provide help with graphics.  Whenever somebody agrees to do the work, they flake out. This has happened several times.  Her limiting belief is “we can’t do it alone; we need help and nobody is helping us”. 

Our mastermind asked what the limiting belief was behind the worry; answer trust issues. Focus on “I’ve got this handled” and hold the vision that what you need is already there.  Shift focus to all things that are working for you.  Get rid of the worry before 17 seconds elapses.  After the mastermind, our volunteer moved up to level 3 (enthusiasm, eagerness, happiness).

Our second hot-seat participant has been accepted in a study-abroad program in France and is excited to go.  Currently at level 14 (worry) because several friends and family members have expressed concern over safety due to the recent terrorist activities in that country.  The limiting belief is something bad might happen. 

Our mastermind suggested that similar terrorist activities occur everywhere, including our country. Hold on to the vibration that you are excited about the experience.  Go with the feeling you are protected, nothing will happen to you, and you will be fine.  Ask your friends and family to envision you as protected and safe and stop expressing their fears because they are not your fears.  They will see your confidence and that will allay their fears.  You cannot stop living because of fear.  After the mastermind, our volunteer moved up to level 5 (optimism).

Our final hot-seat participant is at level 21 (Insecurity) or 22 (Fear, grief, depression) due to inability to find the right life partner. The limiting belief is that the right partner will not come along.

Don’t feel you have to rush into anything.  Being alone is far better than being with the wrong partner. It takes time.  First learn about yourself, learn to love yourself, and then the right person will see the true you and the attraction will be natural. Look upon each person you meet as having been sent to you to help you decide what you don’t want, so you get to know what you do like. After the discussion our volunteer moved up to level 6 (hopefulness).

Our closing video was "Bhutan – Ten Paths to Happiness".  

We are bringing back Ina and the Alchemists for a “Zoom” workshop on Sunday, August 21.  If you are interested, sign up on our meetup site.  Mike will send invoices about 10 days before the event.  
Our next meeting will be August 29.  Sign up on our meet up site.  And our last meeting of the year will be September 26.  SAVE THE DATES.