Monday, June 28, 2010

The Vortex

The vortex – what is it, how do we know when we are in the vortex, how do we stay in it. Andrew DiPalma visited with us through Skype. Andrew provided examples of how he lives the principles of Abraham to stay in the vortex. He realizes that he learns something from everyone he knows. When he meets someone he asks himself what lesson he can learn from that person.

The group defined the vortex in a number of ways. It is being happy. It is acceptance of where we are. It has our greatest good in mind, so we should let go of resistance, manifest where we want to be, accept where we are, and know it will come, just not always the way we expect. Simply put, we know we are in the vortex when we are happy and appreciate what we have.

Abraham explains the vortex this way. We don't need money to get in the vortex. Getting in the vortex is a conversational thing. We don't have to pay to get in the vortex. It doesn't cost anything to be hopeful. It doesn't cost anything to tell a positive story. It doesn't cost anything to dream the dream or tell the story. If we tell the story often enough we will come to believe it. And when we believe the story, we are in the vortex and the Universe has to give it to us.

We discussed strategies for getting back into the vortex. Doing something we love, like a hobby, can help. When it is our fault that we are out of the vortex we should accept responsibility for our actions and then let it go. Remember all experiences make us who we are; so we should think about whom we want to be, how we want to be remembered, and act accordingly as we return to the vortex. . If needed, seek comfort from a close personal friend. When dealing with loss, move yourself quickly through the stages of grief.

We listened to a segment from Ester Hicks on You Tube. We closed with an exercise of writing how we feel when in the vortex. We wrote our dreams and manifestations as if we already had everything we desired. It turned out to be a great exercise to put us in the vortex.

Abraham's Recipe for Joy:
Seek joy first and foremost
Seek reasons to laugh
Seek reasons to offer words of praise to self and others
Seek beauty in nature, beasts and other humans
Seek reasons to love in every segment of every day
Look for something that brings forth within you a feeling of love
Seek that which uplifts you
Seek opportunity to offer that which uplifts another
Know that your value can only be measured in terms of joy
And, acknowledge your absolute freedom to do any of these things or not do any of these things, for it is without exception your choice in every moment of every day.

Next meeting is Monday, July 26, 2010 at 7 PM

Monday, June 7, 2010

The Near Perfect Game -- An Abraham Lesson

In the 130 year history of baseball there have been only 20 perfect games where the pitcher controls the game so that no opposing batter reaches base. And two of those occurred in May this year.
Then on June 2nd the sports world was shaken when the 27th batter - the last batter in an otherwise perfect game - was erroneously called "safe" at first base.
Many sports personalities would have yelled and screamed at the ump for a close call, regardless of the sport. Sometimes benches are emptied in a brawl, elbows are thrown in basketball, sticks trip players in hockey. Rodney Dangerfield summed up the lack of professionalism in sports when he quipped "I went to the fights and a hockey game broke out."
In this case the pitcher, 28 year old Armando Galarraga, knew that the runner should have been called out. He knew the bad call ruined his chance to be the 21st pitcher to join that elite group in the sports history books. He did not react. He did not say a word. He just smiled and went back to the mound and pitched to batter 28.
Later that day, Jim Joyce, a 23 year veteran umpire, viewed a tape of the play and realized he made a bad call. In his apology to Galarraga and the Detroit Tigers he said "I just cost that kid a perfect game. I thought the runner beat the throw. I was convinced he beat the throw, until I saw the replay. If I had been Galarraga, I would've been the first person in my face, and he never said a word to me." Galarraga accepted his apology with style and professionalism.
The next day, the two men met on the field before the game. They shook hands and Joyce apologized in person with tears in his eyes. It's men like these who put the "Professional" back into "Professional Sports".
Galarraga realizes baseball is a game he plays for enjoyment. What a wonderful example his demeanor and professionalism have provided. Kudos to his parents for developing such character traits in their son. His actions attracted fame and notoriety. He will probably be remembered longer that the two players who pitched perfect games the month before.
Sports are just games to be played and enjoyed - like life itself. So remember, the purpose of life is to be happy. Treat life as if it were a game. Don't take it so seriously. Have fun. Become famous in your own right. 

The Art of Allowing - What's Stopping Us

Our meeting concentrated on the art of allowing – what it is, how to achieve it, and how to identify what’s keeping us from getting it. Here are some quotes and comments that were covered in our meeting. Allow yourself to resonate with some of them.
Allowing is basically the absence of resistance.
Abraham quote -- You can get to where you want to be from wherever you are – but you must stop spending so much time noticing and talking about what you don’t like about where you are. Make lists of the positive things you are living. Look forward to where you want to be and spend no time complaining about where you are. The responsive Universe makes no distinction between the thoughts you think about your current reality and the thoughts you think as your DREAM of improved life. You are creating by virtue of what you are thinking about, and so there is no advantage whatsoever to ponder, or remember, or observe, or speak of things you do not want. Make your active vibration about what you DO want and notice how quickly your life changes to match your vibration.
Ask yourself “Are you concentrating on what you want, or on what’s keeping you from getting what you want?”
When we withdraw our attention from those things that are not pleasing, and put our attention upon those things that are pleasing, those pleasing things begin to become more abundant, and those not-pleasing things become more rare. Until, eventually, those not-pleasing things cannot be part of our experience because we will have eliminated our attraction factor from our vibration. What we think and what we get always matches.
Be alright with where you are now, make peace with where you are.
The article “The Near-Perfect Game” (see previous blog entry) was read.
With the help of two volunteers, we did an exercise where the volunteers went on a rampage of desire listing what they want. The group then discussed the negatives that were interspersed with the desires and suggested ways to improve asking for what we want. Eddie Conner’s A-N-D Avalanching technique was pointed out as an excellent tool for raising our frequency and stating what we want in a positive manner.
We watched an Abraham video on the rampage of allowing. Rampage Video.
The benefits of deep breathing exercises were discussed. It expands the lungs and makes them healthier. Deep breathing takes the mind off whatever is stressing the person at the time. With a lot of practice, the body will learn to start taking deep breaths automatically when it senses stress.
Abraham quote - There is a Life Stream that flows to you, and this is a Stream of clarity, a Stream of wellness, a Stream of abundance. And in any moment you are allowing it or not. What someone else does with the Stream does not have anything to do with how much of it will be left for you. This Stream is as abundant as your ideas allow it to be.
When we see someone else has something we want, be sure to appreciate what they have and be desirous of a similar result. Be sure to appreciate what they have and not be envious.
The group did an exercise, with hands on our solar plexus, listing areas of life that are pleasant and then described the feeling in our solar plexus. We repeated the exercise with areas that we did not like or appreciate, and then described the feeling in our solar plexus. The solar plexus, or gut feeling, can be a guide to what we should or should not allow in our lives.
Abraham – The basis of life is freedom; the purpose of life is joy. The underlying philosophy of Abraham is that we are here in the world to feel good.
The meeting closed with the following two-part meditation from Ester and Jerry’s book “The Vortex”:
“The Art of Allowing is what you want most to understand, because in deliberately applying it you “allow” yourself to be all that you have become. And everything less than the allowing of you to be you feels less good. In other words, every contrasting experience causes an expansion of who-you-are because the larger Non-Physical part of you always moves to that point of farthest expansion. But if you continue to look back to the events or circumstances or reasons that caused the expansion, you then hold yourself in opposition to the very expansion. You disallow it – and then you feel bad. The Art of Allowing is simply your allowing yourself, by virtue of your deliberately chosen thoughts, to keep up with the expansion of yourself.”
And, “When you master the Art of Allowing your consistent alignment with the Source within you – every other relationship will be beneficial and pleasurable.”