Monday, June 20, 2016


Ramona welcomed members and guests.  

Eddie Conner (Click Here for Eddie's Website) provided an inspiring meditation that allowed us to use our imaginations to think of ways our lives could be if we just think in positive terms of “What if?” 

Following LOA stories and wins, the opening video was “Abraham-Hicks 2016 – Being More Optimistic Will Change Your Life”.

The evening’s topic was an exercise based on the book “What If It All Goes Right” by Mindy Audlin. The subject is similar to an Abraham-Hicks process they refer to as “Wouldn’t it be nice if…” 

The author asks if we have areas in our lives where we feel stuck in a cycle that isn’t giving us the results we want. What if we saw those “stuck” areas from a new perspective?  She explains that this process helps us navigate the dark waters of our minds. The question “What if?” carries the power to create or to destroy. It can carry the key to inspiration, or it can be the birthplace of our greatest fears.  It is our choice.  Think of the possibilities if we transformed every complaint, challenge and heartache into inspiring possibilities for a better reality.

“What if” thoughts can move us in two directions – up or down. Humans often focus on the “What if” DOWN thoughts. What if I make a mistake? What if I fail?  Humans have a unique ability to focus on the negative.  The good news is we can change our thoughts to focus on the positive by focusing on “What if” UP thoughts. These are fun, easy, what if it works, what if I can make it happen types of thoughts. What if” UP thoughts cause the initial idea to grow and thrive.

There are areas in our lives that tend to make us think “What if” DOWN thoughts. Examples are worst-case scenarios and back-up plans. The first step is to identify these areas and start exploring “What if” UP thoughts instead. Directing our thoughts on possibilities that generate a sense of joy and excitement, the feelings are electromagnetic in nature and can be measured scientifically. Studies are starting to show that shifting our electromagnetic signature could, on a quantum level, influence our reality at an atomic level. That is a scientist’s way of saying that our thoughts can change our reality, and they do so by changing the atoms that comprise our physical bodies. Have you ever thought you are not feeling well? The more you think it, the worse you feel, physically. That is our electromagnetic signature changing the atoms in our bodies.

Here are the basics of the process:

Step One - Identify a challenge of idea

Step Two – Take note of how you approach the idea or challenge. What are your first thoughts? Are you considering the worst-case scenarios (What if DOWN) or are you seeking possibilities and taking inspired action (What if UP).

Step Three – What if UP!  Challenge yourself to mentally expand possibilities beyond what you believe to be possible.

Consider the following:

What if this is easy?
What if I really let myself have fun?
What if an idea comes that really changes my life?
What if I have a major breakthrough on this matter?
What if there are people out there who really want to help me?
Allow yourself to be ridiculous!!!

There are (at least) three things that can make our lives more difficult. The author highlights these and calls them “Havoc Breaking Habits”.

One – Worry.  This is a common symptom of an imagination when it is not vibrating high, as on a High Flying Disc. It is allowing our imaginations to build a future that is the opposite of what we truly want.

Two – Preparing a worst-case scenario plan.  What if you do not prepare for the worst case?  What if instead of developing a worst case scenario plan, you identify the fears that are popping up and create empowering alternatives for them?

Three – Bad Storytelling.  Drop the old story NOW! What if “upping” is vision therapy for the mind? In Abraham-Hicks terms, this would be called “Tell a New Story”. Imagination ignites good, new ideas.  It spits out the ideas; wisdom provides the feedback.

A second video was shown “Abraham-Hicks – Believe in your Dreams”.  

Ramona led an exercise directing us to write down our “Dreams We Would Love to Happen”. Make it fun. Be outrageous. Vibrate, think, radiate, and visualize way outside the box. Then volunteers stated their desires and the group offered the volunteer “What if” UP statements to raise the volunteer’s vibration and move them up Abraham’s Emotional Guidance Scale.  (The Emotional Guidance Scale is discussed in chapter 22 of “Ask and it is Given” by Esther and Jerry Hicks and available online at Emotional Guidance Scale.)

Some of the desires offered were:  Writing a children’s book; Finding a rewarding career; Be CEO of global company that raises the world’s vibration; Have a profitable apothecary/studio for her art; Empower 100,000 healers in the world; release contrast from a childhood disease that continues to haunt; Have a million dollars to do whatever she wants; to be a certified meditation teacher; free travel to Europe and other fantastic countries

Closing, Ramona distributed a worksheet from Abraham’s “Wouldn’t It Be Nice” process to do at home to help us continue to “What If UP” at home.

Remember Eddie Conner will be holding workshops here July 14 and 16.  Sign up on our meetup site.

Our next regular monthly meetup will be July 25.

Several people asked for a link to Nicole’s Facebook page for her artwork…Think Goddess.

The closing video was “Follow Your Heart – Inspiring Video”.  

Be sure to join us on Meetup and follow your heart to “Get Happy and Stay Happy”.